Energy-saving tips for homeowners

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Increasing numbers of people looking to reduce their environmental impact, and find new ways to be energy efficient, especially in their homes.

That’s why we’re sharing tips for people who are looking to be a little more green.

Energy-saving tips:

  • Older appliances are often less energy efficient than newer models. A&S homes come with the newest appliances, which can save energy and money.
  • Use LED light bulbs, which can be up to 80 per cent more efficient than other types of lights. In the common areas of our homes and condos we use a combination of LED and energy-saving compact fluorescent bulbs.
  • When you own a home, heating and cooling settings are in your control. You can take advantage of this by lowering your home’s temperature while you’re away. Not only is it more energy efficient, it can lead to cheaper bills.
  • Conserve water — this one can also save money. Things like low-flush toilets, taking shorter showers, and keeping cold water in the fridge (so you don’t always have to run the faucet to get it the way you like it) can all add up.
  • Making a home your own through decor is one of the fun parts of being a homeowner. Our Design Centre experts are becoming increasingly conscious of sustainable or energy-conserving features and products — and homeowners are fans. Read our tips for how to incorporate that into your own decor on our blog.