Spring Gardening Guide: Do’s and Don’ts

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With spring in full bloom, it’s the perfect time to start planning your garden! To ensure that your garden thrives throughout the season, keep these helpful do’s and don’ts in mind:

The Do’s:

Plan Ahead: Before you dive headfirst into planting, take some time to plan out your garden. Consider what plants thrive in your climate, how much sunlight your garden receives, and the layout that will best utilize your space.

Planning ahead will save you time and relieve any frustration down the road.

Prune and Clean: Spring is the perfect time to tidy up your garden. Prune back any dead or overgrown branches, clear away debris, and remove any weeds from your flower beds. This will not only enhance the appearance of your garden but also encourage healthier growth.

Start Seeds Indoors: Starting seeds indoors before the last frost is a great way to give many plants a head start on the growing season. To get started, you’ll need some seed trays, potting soil, and grow lights to nurture your seedlings until they are ready to be transplanted outdoors.

This method can help ensure that your plants will be strong and healthy when it’s time to move them outside.

The Don’ts

Don’t Overcrowd Plants: When planning your garden, it’s important to space out your plants based on their unique requirements to prevent competition for resources such as sunlight, water, and nutrients.

Additionally, you can utilize companion planting to optimize the space in your garden and take advantage of plants that complement each other.

Don’t Overwater: It’s important to check the soil’s moisture level before watering your plants, to avoid any cause of root rot. To test the soil’s moisture level, grab some soil in your hand and shake it. If the soil mostly stays together and only a few crumbs fall apart, it is moist enough and doesn’t require watering.

Alternatively, you can also check by inserting your finger about an inch into the soil. If it comes out with little or no soil on it, then it is time to water your plant.

Don’t Forget to Fertilize: Keeping the soil healthy is essential for plant growth, but it may not always provide all the necessary nutrients. Adding fertilizer can provide the extra boost to keep your plants healthy and strong throughout the growing season. However, it’s crucial to avoid excessive use of fertilizer. Always follow the instructions on the package and be cautious.


By following these do’s and don’ts, you’ll be well-equipped to cultivate a successful garden that flourishes throughout the spring and beyond.

Happy gardening!